Home Design Nautilus Giant Seashell House in Naucalpan, Mexico City

Nautilus Giant Seashell House in Naucalpan, Mexico City

Looking at some designer’s creations one can be astonished by the power and the creativity of the human mind. Nautilus House, the Giant Seashell House, in Mexico City, built in 2006, is an amazing shell-shaped house designed by architect Javier Senosiain of Arquitectura Organica. He designed the house for a young family with two children who were tired of living in a conventional home and wanted to change to one integrated to nature.

NAUTILUS house exterior

Inspired by the work of Gaudí and Frank Lloyd Wright, the Seashell house is dominated by smooth surfaces, spiral stairs and natural plantings that makes it feel like you’re living inside a snail. The house design is very innovative, unusual and audacious. Javier Senosiain decided to bring the life aquatic into architecture.

Also Read: Bubble House ‘Palais Bulles’ by Antti Lovag

Do you want to walk on the stone paths along the amazing grass carpet? Let’s look around.

The interesting feature of this huge shell is a striking entry cut into a wall of colorful stained glass. Inside it casts multi-colored spots of light onto walls.

But it’s not the only surprise you will find. The house is put together using ferrocement construction. It is a technique involving a frame of steel-reinforced chicken wire with a special two-inch-thick composite of concrete spread over it. It results in a structure that’s earthquake-proof and maintenance-free.

TV room sheltered in the belly of the crustaceous.

Seashell House Bedroom:


Entering the bathroom you will fill yourself under the water with the sandy walls, gorgeous blue tiles and the window overhead. This house is worth speaking about for a long time.

While Under Construction:


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