Sometimes, in our lives we encounter such animals all of a sudden that looks so cute and beautiful but otherwise you think them as so repulsive, you even do not want to come near them. Pigs are thought to be ugly by many; but when you accidentally encounter a pig looking through their little flat faces, you just want them. Likewise, a wombat taking a stroll or a blob fish, blobbing are the sights you do not want to miss in many conditions. It is for a fact that many times some animals are so ugly which makes them quite cute. Here are 20 ugly animals in these pictures with a biological make-up only a mother could love.
1. Pug

2. Blob Fish
3. Baby Hippo
4. Hairless Cat
5. Axolotl Salamander
6. Baby Bat
7. Wombat
8. Goldfish
9. Baird’s Tapir
10. Japanese Chin Dog
11. French Bulldog
12. Tarsier
13. Baby Aardvark
14. Emperor Tamarin Monkey
15. Saki Monkey
16. Emu
17. Baby Rhino
18. Toad
19. Aye-Aye
20. Anteater
Also Check: Most Amazing Extinct Animals in the World
Any other adorable animal additions beyond our list? Let us know about other ugly, cute animals in the comments.