
Meet the Frightening Dracula Parrot (Pesquet’s Parrot)

dracula pesquets parrot

There are many types of beautiful birds in the world but none other than the Dracula parrot has quite a frightening name. This is the nickname for the Pesquet’s parrot (Psittrichas fulgidus), which is endemic to the island’s hill and montane rainforest. The appearance of this large parrot is striking. It measures about 18 inches long and weighs between 1.5 …

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10 Uniquely Deadly Animals in the World

uniquely deadly animals

Many animals are considered dangerous and possess the ability to kill people in a flash. This article lists the top 10 of these deadly animals that many people do not know about. 1. Boomslang The first animal to make it to the list is Boomslang, a snake that is mostly present in South Africa but can still be found in …

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5 Most Amazing Extinct Animals in the World

Tyrannosaurus Rex Extinct animals

Extinct animals are those species that are no longer living in this world. Over the years, many animals have gone extinct and there are many all over the world facing this danger including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and invertebrates. A species is declared extinct after many years of not being spotted. Chances are there that many species are already …

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20 Animals So Ugly They’re Cute

ugly animals

Sometimes, in our lives we encounter such animals all of a sudden that looks so cute and beautiful but otherwise you think them as so repulsive, you even do not want to come near them. Pigs are thought to be ugly by many; but when you accidentally encounter a pig looking through their little flat faces, you just want them. …

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