
6 Amazing Facts About China Which Are Unknown To Many

Facts about china - christianity in china

As can be understood from the title the article discusses some of the extraordinary facts about China which may not be known to most people. 1. China’s execution rate is the highest. People generally think of China as a peaceful nation; however, Amnesty International research has revealed that China carries out almost three times as many executions as the rest …

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The Oasis of Crescent Lake In Dunhuang, China

nature Crescent Lake china

China has been blessed with many natural beauties. Crescent Lake is also one of them. The lake is also called Yueyaquan in Chinese. This amazing lake is located 6 km south of the city of Dunhuang in Gansu Province, China. The lake is in the shape of a crescent, hence named Yueyaquan in the Qing Dynasty (Crescent Moon Lake). The …

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Rainbow Mountains In Zhangye Danxia Landform, China

China Zhangye Danxia Landform

The Zhangye Danxia Landform in China, aka rainbow mountains, commonly refers to several landscapes which are found in the southeast and west of China which consist of a red bed which is characterized by steep cliffs. This type of landform is quite a unique type and is referred to as petrographic geomorphology in geological terms. Zhangye Danxia landform is actually …

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The Stunning Shanghai Museum of Glass, China.

shanghai tourist attraction museum

Shanghai, China opened up a new tourist attraction in 2011 that gained worldwide popularity. That tourist attraction is a two-storey Museum made of Glass. Thus, given the name Shanghai Museum of Glass with the primary purpose to tell people the history of craft and construction of glass and to cherish the history of glass. It has all types of glass …

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