
The Stone Forest of Meteora – Greece

stone forest Meteora Greece

In central Greece, on the north-western edge of the Plain of Thessaly, gigantic rocks rise to form a spectacular stone forest. They are called Meteora where ‘meteor’ means hanging in the sky and ‘ora’ means mountain. The formation of the cones and rocks has always fascinated geologists and historians all over the world. Geologists believe that the spires of stones …

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Mysterious Crooked Forest in Gryfino, Poland

crooked forest

A small area of a crooked forest (known locally as Krzywy Las) near Gryfino in West Pomerania, Poland is a host to 400 pine trees having the trunks bent at 90 degrees in the base. All of them are bent towards the North. These actually are surrounded by a large forest having pine trees that are growing straight. This crooked …

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