A small area of a crooked forest (known locally as Krzywy Las) near Gryfino in West Pomerania, Poland is a host to 400 pine trees having the trunks bent at 90 degrees in the base. All of them are bent towards the North. These actually are surrounded by a large forest having pine trees that are growing straight. This crooked or curved or bent collection of pine trees poses a huge mystery.

crooked trees forest map

Research shows that these plants were planted around 1930. The trees were allowed to grow for 7-10 years before they were harvested for wood to be used for mechanical purposes. Some of the locals are of the belief that the purpose of growing these trees was to use the wood in boat hulls and furniture by carpenters from the German Special Forces around the 1930s. But then the chaos broke out due to World War 2 in 1939 and they never got a chance to harvest the wood from these trees.

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Whatever the fact is, the crooked forest is still a mystery. Why the farmers of these trees would grow them crooked or bent in such a way and in such a high number? What purpose these trees was supposed to serve for them? How they did it so perfectly to give this shape to the trees? Answer to these questions are not known yet.


curved forest

curved trees poland

Crooked trees
poland crooked forest

Crooked trees bench

bent tree sky


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